Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Fall Beauty :-0

My halloween flower :-)

The Dracula attacks the dear flower during dinner...she feeds Dracula!

The flower clings to her baby for dear life at a Halloween party

TRICK OR TREATING at our neighbor's house

Looking at pictures with Papa

Helping Grandma pick up leaves

Her annual leaf photo shoot :-0

Happy Fall...Now, onto winter...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A first prayer from the mouth of a babe!

When I think about how Elle mimics what we do, the good and the....not so good, I marvel in amazement. When I see her put her hands together to pray, I feel proud and humble, at the same time. I feel proud that she is learning, but humble knowing that she is watching how we relate to God in prayer. Lately I have been realizing that I need to be more routine about praying with her before bed. So, tonight, with the lights off, I said "Lets pray. Thank you Jesus for this day. Thank you for Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Papa...Amen" Then I started rubbing her back and encouraging her to sleep, and thats when I heard her say..."mama, dadda, mama, dadda, bama, papa." Thats when I knew that SHE was praying! Yes, she repeated what I said, but she was talking with God in her own 1 1/2-old way. "Let the little children come unto me..." The sweet, sweet, love of God!